Merchant Cash Advance
We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance against its merchant account of up to $200,000 per business location. An alternative to a small business loan, these funds against all future credit card sales (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.) are typically available within 7 days or less.
Use the money however you see fit: inventory, expansion, advertising, and more.
Benefits include:
Get on track today to provide your business with the cash it needs to grow and operate.
Unsecured Business Lines of Credit
Eastern Cove Capital, LLC specializes in Unsecured Business Lines of Credit. These business lines of credit do not require collateral and include anything from smaller business credit card solutions up to individual lines of credit for $500,000. How much the business owner qualifies for depends on the credit profile and the size and profitability of the business. Startup companies with no established revenue and a business owner or partner with a good credit file can expect to receive between $25,000 - $100,000 normally. Established businesses with revenues of $1,000,000 up to $10,000,000 can expect between $100,000 and $500,000 with no collateral if they qualify with their financials and credit. These are A-Paper products, so the rates are very good. They range anywhere from 0% introductory offers on all our business credit card solutions to 1-5% over prime for the larger lines of credit. We don't offer "subprime" Unsecured lines, so you'll either get the good rates or you will not be approved.
We offer a No-Obligation Pre-Qualification that takes 10 minutes to complete and only requires a credit check that costs less than $45.
Feel free to speak to one of our representatives about obtaining an unsecured line of credit.